There are many opportunities to get involved at Willow Grove Bible Church including serving on the worship team, greeting team, small group ministry team, outreach team, children and nursery team, creative arts team, building team, prayer team and finance team.

First steps? Please fill out the form below and we will be in touch! OR please send an email to:

WGBC Community Garden Friends

We have a community garden! “Growing food and friendships” is our theme, and you are welcome to join in: preparing soil, weeding, planting, harvesting, chatting with neighbors and more! Please contact us if you would like to know more, we love the help and we love the harvest for our friends and neighbors.

Serving through Community Meals

Cast your cares.jpg


Cast Your Cares

Cast Your Cares is an outreach ministry that desires to meet the physical and spiritual needs of the homeless, needy families, and neighbors in the inner-city of Philadelphia. They offer food, water, clothing, and the life changing proclamation of the gospel message through relational impact ministry. In addition, Cast Your Cares provides financial counseling, mentoring, health and human services, drug and alcohol counseling and residential substance abuse treatment. Once a month Willow Grove Bible Church drives to Kensington to help feed and minister to the residents that come to the established ministry of Cast Your Cares. If you are interested in participating in this ministry please contact us.


International Missions

C&MA Missionaries

Willow Grove Bible Church partners with the Christian Missionary Alliance helping to send missionaries all over the globe including, North America, South America, Europe, the Middle East, India, China.

Here are some videos produced by the Christian & Missionary Alliance that provide a “snapshot” of the denomination at work in the world:

US Missions

Larry & Adrianna Sterwart, WEC USA

Larry and Adrianna are the Directors of WEC USA and oversee the recruitment and training of missionaries. Adriana serves as director of housing at WEC headquarters in Dresher, PA. Larry also serves as an Elder and is on the Leadership Board at Willow Grove Bible Church. Adrianna sings on the worship team.